Combat Unwanted Fats

Increasing your metabolism is a non-hassle way to shed fats. And a surefire way to do this is by working out. I can almost hear you ranting (no way that’s a lot of work, I don’t have the time, nah it’ll not work). So let’s delete those last two words of the 2nd sentence. Working out. Exercise. I’m not trying to sales-talk you to buy slimming products or exercise gadgets like those you see on TV. I’m not promising you instant success. What I’m talking about is money-saving, frustration-free (those products you see advertised on TV are either not effective, or those delivered to your doorstep are defective) way of exercising.

Try 2 to 3 of these cardio exercises for at least 30 to 45 minutes a day and you’re on your way to a leaner, slimmer You.

• Brisk walking — the best time to brisk walk is around 5-7 in the morning. The ground is still dewy and you inhale fresh air. You can brisk walk around your compound, village, around the area of your subdivision. Best done with a partner. Your wife/husband, friends, even your kids.
• Jogging — try alternating brisk walking and jogging. You brisk walk for about 5 minutes then jog for about the same time, and so on, and so forth.
• Jump rope — this is a very good way of burning fat. You’ll enjoy skipping and jumping, you won’t even feel you’re exercising. You can do this at home.
• Aerobic dance — you don’t really need to watch those videos for this exercise. Loosen up. Do the moves. Just dance.
• Bicycling — pedal your way to your favorite me-time place. Maybe a coffee shop where you can read your favorite book. Your choice.
• Stair climbing — defy gravity. Just do it. You can.

For more info about these topics, please read about the best fat burners and how to get rid of love handles fast.

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