Some Natural Stop Smoking Aids

There are more and more people looking for ways to quit smoking and, with the large number of different stop smoking aids on the market choosing the one for you may be difficult. Many people shy away from the nicotine replacement therapy because they introduce nicotine into your system and since the whole point seems to be quitting your addiction to nicotine it seems senseless to continue to use this substance.

There are also natural stop smoking aids on the market. The first, and probably best for long term results is to combine herbal therapy with intensive counseling. There are herbal patches that you can use that contain no nicotine at all and has instead natural chemicals that help relieve the feelings of anxiety. These stop smoking aids are only really effective when used along with counseling, the more intense the counseling the better. Twelve step programs are very successful with this type of therapy and you can find them nearly anywhere. The good thing about these stop smoking aids, other than they are generally free, is that the principles applied with one can be applied to all of the addictive behaviors they address. This means that if you cannot find a twelve step meeting for smokers you can go to one for narcotic addicts. The only problem with this is that in many cases the people who go to alcohol or drug addiction twelve step programs are smokers and you are likely to be subject to a great deal of exposure.

The most important ingredient to any stop smoking aid is one your add yourself. If you are determined to quit you will. But if you are not willing to deal with some discomfort then maybe you should walk through a hospital ward and spend some time with some emphysema patients or in a COPD ward. A few hours with some of those patients and watching how they suffer just to breath can put your mild discomfort into the correct perspective.

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