What Causes Menopause Night Sweats

There are many menopause signs and symptoms, and one of them is night sweats. Night sweats are simply the night time version of hot flashes that occur when you are sleeping or trying to sleep. Menopause night sweats and hot flashes are what most women consider the most irritating menopause symptoms and a major source of discomfort. So what are night sweats? What causes the and how do you deal with them?

The hormones in the body are in a delicate balance, but during menopause changes slowly begin to occur. Hot flashes and night sweats are caused in part by these hormonal imbalance changes taking place. Night sweats vary in intensity. Some woman may only experience a little sweating during the night while some women wake up in the middle of the night all drenched in sweat. Some worst case scenarios require women to change their clothes or the bed sheets in the middle of the night due to becoming soaked in sweat.

Night sweats don’t just happen during menopause, in fact, night sweats can happen at any time in your life, but they are most commonly associated with menopause. Infections such as HIV and tuberculosis can also cause night sweats, as well as changes in lifestyle or diet like when you travel to a different country.

How can you know if what you are experiencing is menopause night sweats? The best way to know, of course, is to have an appointment with your doctor. It is also more likely to be menopause if you are around 40 or 50 years old and experiencing other menopause signs such as changes in menstrual bleeding, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, weight gain or mood swings. Lifestyle changes like limiting spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol consumption may all help to control or minimize symptoms. Some studies suggest that soy products may help minimize hot flashes and night. If a change in lifestyle doesn’t control your night sweats, you may want to talk with your doctor about possible medical treatments. Be warned though that medical treatment usually required or recommended for menopause related symptoms, it’s usually recommended that women find more natural ways to deal with menopause.

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