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Mined Diamonds vs Lab Diamonds

This century, exciting advances in technology have meant that for the first time, the age old dream of alchemists has in a way become true, with everyday materials being transformed into glittering gemstones.

Synthetic or lab diamonds have been around for a some decades now, but only in recent years has the quality become good enough for serious jewelry use. They are an alternative for the person who cannot afford to by a real diamond cut from gemstones that have been mined from the earth. Synthetic diamonds are made using one of two techniques, the first is the High Pressure – High Temperature (HPHT) synthesis and the second is the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Cubic zirconia used to be the only type of synthetic available but many people found it to be too perfect and therefore fake looking. They are brilliant, flawless gems. To create a more natural looking option, many cubic zirconia manufacturers are beginning to add come tint and small flaws to these gems.

About ten years ago a new type of synthetic diamond became available, called Moissanite. This stone is harder than the most popular diamond imitator cubic zirconia but is still softer than a real diamond. It usually has a green or yellow tint. The larger the stone, the more obvious the color. You can buy moissanite jewelry online but look for a dealer who offers a warranty against defects. More than other gemstones, moissanite suffers from poor  optical quality if not cut correctly.

Man-made diamonds, made from pure carbon are the closest thing to a real diamond created in the mine. These diamonds are created in a lab that simulates the heat and pressure of the earth that makes diamonds in a mine. Man-made diamonds can be found in different colors for a unique look and are close enough to the real thing that they can fool the experts.

There is one company who is taking diamond creation in a whole different direction and is creating man-made diamonds from the carbon produced when a body is cremated. This offers the family a unique memento of a passed family member that can be handed down for generations. The company will also create diamonds from the remains of a beloved pet. Unique gift or bizarre idea?

Every girl loves diamonds but not all can afford them. With some good research and shopping around, anyone can find a man-made diamond that looks identical to the real thing.

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