Posts Tagged natural healing

Using Fruits for Internal Cleansing

There are several programs on the internet for internal cleansing. You should choose one that suits your lifestyle and needs. Many of these programs include elements of natural healing. There is a three day fruit cleanse program or diet for liver detoxification. Very many people desire to live a healthy life but do not have time to commit to these diets. This is one of the simplest ways to cleanse your system and detoxify. The instructions are simple and the budget involved is friendly.

The first thing you need to do is choose an appropriate time to have this diet. It should not fall when it is thanksgiving or when you have a weeding to attend. This is because you will not follow through. Choose a weekend when you can dictate what to eat. Start on a Friday night and have a light meal, soup or a salad. This prepares your body for the detoxification process. You should avoid coffee, carbohydrates in food and alcohol. This applies to the whole day, it being a Friday. The concept behind is to burn fat cells that have toxins and this results into more work for the liver. On Saturday, you should wake up to fruits that contain natural diuretics and folic acid. You can also have a warm lemon juice drink. The diuretics from the fruits help cleanse the liver by flushing out the toxins and at the same time they balance the stomach acids.

During the lunch hour, you should have a large salad with your favorite herbs, nuts and fruits. You can add carrot, avocado or onion so as to avoid feeling hungry after a few hours. For supper, you should have a lightly steamed vegetable meal with olive oil and some fresh herbs.  This diet helps your internal cleansing by not congesting your digestive tract and allowing good bowel movement.

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